Monday, August 2, 2010

"Racial" Legislation

I saw a woman on the news the other night, who had organized a rally here in Utah against Arizona's illegal immigration law. She said wherever 'racial' legislation was being passed, her group would be there to fight against it. Here's where I get a little confused - Arizona did not say in their law that they were only going after Latino illegals. There's not a big problem in Arizona with those pesky illegal Swedes. There is a HUGE problem with illegal Central and South Americans, especially those from Mexico. Check up on the kidnappings going on there. I think it's Phoenix that is the kidnapping capital of the United States.

Immigration is the Federal Governments responsibility. In Arizona they abdicated their responsibility so the people, (from whence our government derives its power) decided, in the most American of ways, to stand up for themselves, to stand up for their rights and to stand up for the right!

It's against the law to be in this country illegally. Period.

Sherrif Joe for President 2012!!!! Go Joe!!!!!

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