Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The (Japanese) Peace Lily

Two months before Davids birthday, Hamish began looking for his gift. Hamish called nurseries, florists and greenhouses all over Utah County. He was looking for a Japanese Peace Lily. (Have you seen 'Hot Fuzz?') Then, at a little place in Lindon, maybe a mile away from Davids work, Hamish found it. He brought it home and it's been doing well, until recently. My Mother and her green thumb told us it was root bound. It needed a larger pot.

Last night Dave brought home a new pot. At first I thought the new planter was too large. We moved the lily over and watered it. I think I heard it sigh. This morning I looked at it and was sure I had heard it sigh. It had spread out a little, and perked up its leaves. Just lovely!

The title of this post has (Japanese) in parenthesis because technically, Daves Peace Lily is not Japanese. That was the plant in 'Hot Fuzz' but we absolutely could not find one in Utah. This plant is a peace lily. We have forgotten what kind of lily it actually is, and don't really care. They say in gift-giving it's the thought that counts. So, say hello to Davids Japanese Peace Lily.

- Hamish is such a wonderful son! -

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